Health News

why is the organ donation important?

Organ donation gives a new lease of life to others : Dr. Manish C Varma

It’s important for us to first understand that our body is precious. If it can be used for a noble purpose, even after we die, it’s something worth giving a lot of consideration for. Today, a lot many people in our country and all across the world are suffering from end stage organ disease. Now when we talk about end stage disease, some people suffer from kidney failure and they need to be on dialysis for them to continue their life. Similarly, there are patients whose hearts are not working and patients whose livers are not working. These are the people who will require a transplant or a working organ to be put into their body so that they end up having a chance to live a prolonged life. Whenever somebody’s liver does not work, they would be very sick. We do not have any good options of replacing the liver functions through medicines or through machines. These these patients have a limited amount of time probably a few months during which they will need a transplant. If we have an organ donor who has donated a liver, we can transplant this into this liver failure Patient and save his life. Similarly, the organ donation can help people suffering from hearts and lungs ailments. They all are all life saving transplants. So, the organ transplant is a very important thing and a life saving operation which can be done for patients who are really sick.

What is the scenario of the organ transplantation in our country today?

India does around 6000 to 7000 transplants across all organs every year. . Out of this majority of the transplants are kidney transplants. Around 5000 transplants are done for livers and other organ systems. What we have to understand that majority of these transplants are done to living donors, when I say living donors, it means that the donors of these organs are people who are alive and they are donating a part of the organ.

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