Former Minister and BJP leader Etela Rajender today hit out at the Chief Minister of the State KCR and alleged that the CM was rewarding the traitors of separate Telangana state agitation. Without taking the name of his political rival P. Kaushik Reddy, he said that KCR had made a traitor who had thrown stones at him at Manukota , as the MLC of the state. He said that the MLC had tried to defeat him in the 2018 assembly elections. He made these remarks while addressing media persons in the city.
Speaking on the occasion, he alleged that CM KCR was distributing money earned through illegal means. He claimed that the ruling party leaders had already spent ₹150 crore so far. He alleged that the CM had never garlanded the statue of BR Ambekar at tank bund and added that the CM was paying the contribution amount of Golla Kuruma Community to get their votes . He said that there was no officer belonging to SC, ST and BC community in CMO. He demanded the CM to give ₹10 lakh to all eligible Dalits of the state instead of the Dalits of his Huzurabad constituency and added that the money should be given before the election notification of Huzurabad . He claimed that the people of Huzurabad were not in a position to believe the CM and the ruling TRS party.
Etela said that he would not break the trust of his people. Referring to the comments of state Minister T. Harish Rao, he said that he would leave the comments of Harish to the minister’s wisdom while recalling that he and Harish had worked together for 18 years.
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