Finance Minister T Harish Rao today said that only Telangana state is offering Rs 10000 per acre to the farmers in the country. The minister announced to give MSP for red gram in the state as to buy for Rs 6000 per quintal.
He participated in some developmental programs in Sanga Reddy district and vowed to develop it in all fields.
Harish Rao said that Rs 20 cr special package to be spent for laying roads and completing development programs in all lambada thandas in the area . We will start an integrated residential tribal law college which is first of its kind in the country he said. He started a Rythu Vedika here in the rural area of tornala in Manur Mandal of Sanga Reddy district here.
On the occasion the Minister said that chief minister K Chnadrasekhar Rao is for the welfare of the farmers. Rythu Vedikas are built for the benefit of the farmers in the state. The chief minister plans to give subsidised machines working aids for the farmers after the Ugadi festival he said. We plan to give sugar cane harvest machines to the farmers the finance minister said.
In addition to Rythu bandhu the KCR Government offers Rythu bhima that offers Rs 5 lakhs insurance to the kin of deceased farmers in the state. Earlier there were no purchase centers for procuring the farm produce he said.
However on the request by the farmers in the villages we set up more number of purchase centers. We bought the farm produce at MSP and ensured timely money through bank accounts. Though the previous governments of the congress and TD failed to get a single Gurukul for Tribals, KCR government started 52 such institutions he claimed.
Though there is no waters in Singur we are giving waters from Kaleshwaram project, he said. The proposals are being ready to get waters through Basaveshwar lift to this area to farming activities, he said. The Government is to offer funding for the poor housing in the villages he said. Those who have land will get money from the government to build their own Houses, Harish Rao said.