Governor Dr. TamilisaiSoundararajan on Wednesdaysaid that education is vital for women empowerment.
“It is not easy out there for you (women). Women need to be courageous toface challenges and assertive to realize their dreams and make it big in theirchosen fields,” she said.
The Governor was virtually inaugurating the two hostel buildings and avermi-composting unit at the Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT).
Dr. TamilisaiSoundararajan stated that though women were lagging behindin many fields, the scenario is changing now. It is time that they shouldutilize the opportunities and realise their full potential.
Expressing concern over the increasing number of cases of depressionamong the students and youth, she stated that we need not be worriedabout trivial things in life. Life is to live and enjoy every moment of life witha purpose to achieve greater heights. Contribute to the society. There mustnot be any place for depression in life.
“Student life is an invaluable phase in one’s life. We must respect ourteachers and learn from their knowledge. I salute the teachers for all thegood that they do to us. We need to make our parents proud by ourachievements. You must commit to greatness. Effective use of time is veryimportant,” she added.
Emphasising on the need to ensure quality and excellence in highereducation, the Governor called for sustained efforts to get world-classranking for our universities and institutions.
The Governor appreciated the VIT management for naming the ladies hostelblocks after Nobel laureate Madam Marie Curie and renowned educator andreformer Dr. MuthuLaxmi Reddy.
Referring to the setting up of vermi composting unit, Dr. TamilisaiSoundararajan stated that eco-friendly initiatives and waste recycling unitsare the need of the hour. They should be launched at campuses across thecountry.
VIT founder and Chancellor Dr. G. Vishwanathan and other seniorfunctionaries were present.